Index News Program Registration Travel Information Organizing Committee/Contact

September 7-8, 2013

University of Duisburg-Essen

Mercator Saal, Gerhard-Mercator-Haus, Lotharstrasse 57, 47057 Duisburg


We are very pleased to announce that one of the world's leading specialty chemicals companies: Evonik Industries AG joined our 25th GCCCD Annual Conference as a main Sponsor.
We are very pleased to announce that the world’s leading chemical company BASF – The Chemical Company joined our 25th GCCCD Annual Conference as a Sponsor.

GCCCD 第25届学术年会的学术报告位置目前仍有少量空缺,我们非常鼓励来自各个相关领域的人员积极地提交注册报告。如果您有意做大会报告,请将您的报告摘要和您 的简历各一份在8月16日前发送至,大会的学术委员会会及时地给您回复。


GCCCD 25届年会组委会
Dear participants,

Currently we still have some free slots in our conference program for oral presentations. We strongly encourage all participants to give a talk about their scientific works during the annual meeting. If you have interest, please send an abstract of your paper together with your CV to no later than 16.08.2013. We sincerely appreciate your contribution!

We are looking forward to meeting all of you in September!

Sincerely yours,
Organizing committee of 25th GCCCD annual conference

第二十五届留德华人化学化工学会学术年会自6月24日开放报名以来,大家的注册报名非常踊跃,报名开放仅一周所有的参会名额就已经被注册完毕。截止7月1日下午6:30,本次年会的报名已满。 大会组委会将会在近期给在此之前(7月1日下午6:30)成功注册的所有参会人员发送一封注册成功的确认信。在此之后通过DAAD在线数据库进行注册的人员将会自动地进入等待名单中。



GCCCD 25届年会组委会
Dear participants,

we are really excited that it took only ONE week for the number of registered participants to reach its possible maximum! All registered participants will receive a confirmation E-mail from the organizing committee within a short time.

On the other hand, we are truly sorry for not being able to provide enough places for all who are interested in the annual conference. However, you are still strongly encouraged to register through the DAAD data bank or just send an E-mail directly to Dr. Lisong Xiao ( to reserve a place in the waiting list.

We sincerely appreciate the support and collaboration from all of you and wish you all the best!

Sincerely yours,

Organizing committee of 25th GCCCD annual conference

  1. 由于名额的限制,欲参加会议者须报名参加,报名请使用以下连接:
  2. 如果您已经是DAAD校友数据库的成员, 请您使用您的邮件或者注册ID登陆, 然后请选择本次活动“25th GCCCD Annual Conference”进行报名。
  3. 如果您尚未注册, 请您首先注册成为 “中国留德校友网络” 的会员, 请注意在“状态Status”选项请选择“留德校友(目前仍在海外)Deutschland Alumni im Ausland”或“留德校友(目前已返回中国) Deutschland Alumni in China”。
  4. 注册成功后, 请登录填写个人信息和联系方式等信息。
  5. 完成个人信息填写以后,请点击“报名活动”, 选择本次活动“25th GCCCD Annual Conference”并确定。
  6. 报名成功之后, 再次点击此活动会看到系统提示 "已报名"。
  7. 报名过程中如遇到问题请联系赵潇先生( Tel.: 0228-882-8701
  8. 有意做报告者, 请参照大会要求将报告题目及摘要发送给大会学术委员会(。
  9. 由于场地限制, 未报名者将无法入场。
口头报告申请截止日期为2013年8月16日,热烈欢迎与会者积极申请口头报告。口头报告时间15分钟 + 5分钟提问。考虑与会者来自多种学科背景,报告宜深入浅出。口头报告语言英文。有意者请通过email(提交报告摘要和个人简历各一份(*邮件主题请标注为:GCCCD2013)。请报告人准备好PPT文件。
Registration Instruction:
The conference capacity is limited to 85 persons. Please try to register as early as possible. Deadline: 23.08.2013.
  1. Registration link:
  2. If you are already member of the DAAD Alumni databank, please login and click "Anmeldung für Veranstaltungen" on the very top of the page, then find the event "化学让我们重聚-第二十五届留德华人化学化工学会学术年会 25th GCCCD Annual Meeting" and click the button "报名". After that you are successfully registered for the conference as well as the banquet.
  3. If you are not member of the DAAD Alumni databank yet, please first register as its member and then follow step 2.
  4. If you have any questions regarding the registration, please contact Mr. Xiao Zhao ( Tel.: 0228-882-8701
  5. If you are willing to give an oral presentation about your scientific work, please send your abstract to the academic committee (
  6. Please note that non-registered participants are not granted access to the conference as well as the banquet.
Call for papers:
Please submit the abstract of your oral presentation together with your CV in English to( later than 16th August, 2013 (Please include "GCCCD2013" in the E-mail title).。The presentation has to be in English and should be composed of 15 minutes of speech and 5 minutes of discussion.
The 25-year-anniversary banquet:
The 25-year-anniversary banquet of GCCCD is taking place at 18:30 on 7th September. The official programs continue from 19:00 to 22:00. The banquet is only open to registered participants free of charge. If you could not join our banquet, please contact in advance. Buffet and soft drinks will be provided during the banquet together with attractive programs, please dress properly.

Produced by Dr. Xiaoyan Cao-Dolg, Jun Zhang